Early Prayer



There has never been a time in the history of the Church when there has been so much truth, talent and blessing. Yet, Christians and non-Christians alike recognize the Church's lamentable weakness, indefensible shortcomings and appalling failures. Why should there be such failure in the face of so much blessing? THERE IS ONE BASIC REASON - INEFFECTIVE PRAYER !

All the failure of the Church can be traced back to failure in the ministry of the Church. Some Christians do not witness for Christ at all, because they lack the motivating presence of God's Spirit in their daily life. Some witness, but ineffectively, because they are trying to introduce others to a Lord they do not know very well. Many ministers are frustrated through a lack of satisfying fruitfulness, because they are preaching beyond their real experience with Him.THERE IS ONE BASIC REASON - INEFFECTIVE PRAYER !

A lost world moves toward predicted disaster that will soon usher in the second advent of Christ. The Church seems impotent to cope with the world-wide devastation of every society and culture. THERE IS ONE BASIC REASON - INEFFECTIVE PRAYER !

But, if ineffective or non-existent prayer is the basic reason for failure, then there is an answer that requires an intensity of commitment that goes beyond passive assent. You may ask , how can I find greater reality in prayer? The following outlines a scriptural answer that has been tried and tested in the furnace of human experience and really works.



Prayer is the foundation of all Christian Service

Christian service without a solid grounding in the Bible is generally ineffective. However, the true purpose of the written Word is, through personal prayer, to lead us to the person of Jesus, the Living Word. When we are in His presence, we are saturated with His love and consuming desire to reach out to the sin-sick world for which He died. Christ's service to a lost Adamic race at Calvary was preceded by the true victory of prayer at Gethsemane. Victorious success is really won through the battles of intercession Christian service is just picking up the spoils of war. The secret of lasting evangelism is found in the .principle; 'as Zion travailed she brought forth her children"-lsaiah 66:8. PRAYER IS WHERE THE ACTION IS .


Why Early Prayer?


Since Christian Service is based on Christ's life, love and anointed wisdom flowing through the believer , a personal program of prayer must be based upon the principles laid out in God's Word. Isaiah 50:4, 5 says, "The Lord hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning. he wakeneth mine ear, and 1 was not rebellious. neither turned away back".

If a Christian is to have spiritual food to give to others in his daily service for Christ, he must get his "Manna" at God's prescribed time. The children of Israel were required to get their manna before the sun rose and melted it, otherwise they starved for the day. If a Christian seeks "first the Kingdom of God" regarding his time, he must pay a tithe or "first fruits" of his time through prayer before he starts his day. The great men of the Bible, as well as of Church history, were early risers who attributed their power to early prayer or the Morning Watch. Christ' s ability to do the will of His Father camebecause "a great while before day, He rose up and went out into a desert place, and there prayed". Mary Magdalene was honoured as the first Christian to see the resurrected Christ, because she rose early. To those who find that they lack the Christian love to make their lives fruitful, Christ says,"Let us get up early . . . there will I give thee my love"-Song of Solomon 7:12.


All World Problems can be Solved through prayer



God's counsels, decisions and judgements are to be carried out on earth through the overcoming intercession of the Church. Since "the government shall be upon His shoulders" and as the Body of Christ, the Church, forms the shoulders of Christ on earth, world dominion through overcoming warfare is the responsibility of the praying Christian. Wesley said, "God does nothing but in answer to prayer". Even in evangelism, "The Spirit of the bride the church) say come"-Rev. 22:17 No soul is saved apart from prevailing prayer. God works like a co-signed check that He signed at Calvary in His own blood. He waits for our intercessory response. He has an answer for every world problem.

Through prophecy Christians know that world conditions will worsen before Christ's second coming. However, no country has to see their society destroyed if they will take God seriously. "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him"-Hebrews 11:6. He says, "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, then will 1 hear from heaven . . . and will heal their land". Chronicles 7:14.


God is holding out His

Scepter to you


It is God's intention that His people reign with Christ. As Christians face and overcome personal, community , national and world problems through aggressive intercession, God grooms them for the queenly role of co-monarch and eternal companion for the Son. God's plan is for the Church to reign with Christ now, in this life, as an on-the-job training for the future eternal Kingdom (Romans 5: 17).

Politicians and military strategists will never det6rmine the future of this nation. The destiny of this country is in your hands. The forces of darkness are feverishly at work and you have the answer. Christ in you is the only hope for your nation. God seeks for victorious Christians to stand in the gap for this land (Ezekiel 22:30) during the hours of darkness when Satan is overactive, plotting destruction. Jesus whispers in His agony for this country: "could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation" Matthew 26:40, 41.

Don't wait! God hold's out His scepter to you. Take it now. Practice instant obedience and determine in your heart that with His help, you will join with Him in spiritual warfare early each morning during the Morning Watch.


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